Honeyrun Happenings
Jayne Barnes
-Posted by Isaac
About 10 days ago we had a beautiful fall wedding.
Mrs. Becky and Mr. Justin Tilley with help from a slew of flower children.
Everyone jumped on hay wagons and rode down to the stream. The ceremony was held under the yawning limbs of a giant sycamore.
And guess who presided?
That's right. My lovely wife. Her talents reach far beyond simply keeping a honey business afloat. If the need arises, she can marry you off!
No sooner were the "I do's" said, and off she went.
Now I follow her west coast adventures on Facebook.
She's in Oregon at the moment. "Wine hopping" with friends. Sounds fun doesn't it?
And here I sit. Left to push this here plow by myself. Four hungry kids and a crop in the field. Overlooked, underappreciated.
Like a trounced old workhorse.
Like a beatdown mule.
A plodding old donkey.
Or maybe just a jackass...
Yes, politics have taken the day here in Pickaway county. I'm not sure it's good for our business, but some folks just seem to live for this.
Facebook fighting is way up. And so are family arguments. And non-family arguments.
Liquor sales are through the roof. Right along with firearms and ammunition.
I hear appointments with divorce lawyers need to be reserved months in advance.
Yes, the once sleepy town of Circleville has become a bastion of unruly and mutinous political propaganda. Signs everywhere you look, threats, warnings and insults. Cluttering your mailbox, your streets, your eyes, your ears... riotous elementary kids pedaling around to campaign signs, seek and destroy, debasing, vandalizing...
Absolute lawlessness!
(Hilarious or ominous?) No more whistling in Mayberry.
Thankfully, out in the county we can remove ourselves from all that. Turn off the radio! We've got work to do.
The fall honey pull began two weeks ago and will continue right on into November. It's not like last year where every super was caked with beautiful goldenrod honey, but it's not bad either. I can't complain. Just about the time we least needed it, we had a solid week of rain. But still, the bees found a way. Not all, but enough boxes look like this...
Goldenrod honey = bright yellow wax
...to make for some happy days in the bees.
In the evenings we prepare ourselves for winter...
Look at those muscles!
...but more importantly, we've got to get our girls ready for winter.
And most are looking pretty darn ready.
A few hives need to put on some weight before it gets too cold. Not many warm days remain where the bees can take down syrup. Eat up girls!
Speaking of few days remaining, you've only got one more weekend to get to an outdoor market. Worthington moves inside in November, and the North Market just plain ends. (For us.) We're becoming soft. We used to go into December.
Without my lovely wife, I set up both markets this last weekend. It was quite the early start. We beat everybody! Here's the Honeyrun tent at 6:30 AM:
Take that James Barr!
It's funny, I always get asked this. At least three or four times a year, especially in the fall. People seem to like the honey that corresponds with the season we're in. They start sampling, taste the spring, summer, fall, then look around a bit confused, and ask (straight faced) if they can try some winter honey.
Because I'm a nice guy, I respond (straight faced) with the proper answer: We're sold out.
"Yeah, it's in high demand right now. Can't keep it in stock."
"Really! What's it like??"
"Well, it's really dark. And tastes a bit like black licorice."
"I can bring some next week if you want. But it's a bit pricy...
...you know how it is, such high demand and very limited production... at $20 an ounce we're practically giving it away. Consider that a steal!"
Is this too much? The answer, I mean, not the price. A little wily perhaps; not fulfilling my role as honey ambassador?
Instead, a crafty clown?
A sly coyote?
A slick Willy?
Or maybe just a con...